Pester chum
Pester chum

pester chum
  1. #Pester chum mod
  2. #Pester chum full
  3. #Pester chum code

Learn about all the awesome people that helped bring Pesterchum 3.14 to you REPORT BUG: Report any bugs you come across so we can fix them and make Pesterchum even better CALSPRITE. Functionally, these chat programs are all compatible with each other, allowing for inter-universe chats. See which version of Pesterchum you have. The amount of Role-Plays happening is little to none, participation is lacking, and all around, it has become a bit of a waste land.

pester chum

Pesterchum is also referred to by other names, such as BettyBother (called that by Janet Roberts), JeerLeader (by Meanie Pixies), "that messaging app everyone in Homestuck uses" (by Aranna Sorket), and even, on one occasion, "that chat program named Homestuck or something" (by Marrissa Roberts). Hello everyone It has come to the attention of a few that this room is not exactly in its prime state any longer.

#Pester chum full

A conversation begins and ends with both users' full chumhandles stated, as well as an informational message which is arbitrary and can be "began pestering", "began trolling" and other variants.

#Pester chum mod

These two words are abbreviated, and as such chumhandles can also be referred to by their shorthand form. pesterchummy mostly here to rb pesterchum posts mod zulfica (18) asthenicFirebug submissions: open askbox: open dni REGs, tru/meds. It is solely used by ASBusinessMagnet, seeing as it is directly based on the chat client in Homestuck that exists by the same name.Īs per the premise of Pesterchum, each user picks themself a "chumhandle" that is comprised of two words. The web app is written in Vue and is my first ever Vue project. The biggest one and the one this page refers to is. The last official version of the program is 3.41, and after the original developer dropped support in 2021, the fan community picked it up and began hosting fanservers. Is there a word for somebody who pisses people off as a hobby?įTR, new names = actions and interests, not personalities.Pesterchum (also known by various other names) is a chat client that exists in the MarissaTheWriter universe. This is the repository for the WIP Pesterchum web application, located here It consists of multiple parts: The actual web app The gateway for the IRC connection The documentation for handling the 'Pesterchum protocol' The web app. Pesterchum is an Instant Messaging client copying the look and feel of clients from Andrew Hussie's webcomic Homestuck. As per the premise of Pesterchum, each user picks themself a 'chumhandle' that is comprised of two words. It is solely used by ASBusinessMagnet, seeing as it is directly based on the chat client in Homestuck that exists by the same name. JejunePetulance? wtf? Somehow I think you aren't describing me well. Pesterchum (also known by various other names) is a chat client that exists in the MarissaTheWriter universe. Current tag: v1.3.12 (tagged 1 year ago).

#Pester chum code

More to come if I have time.īulbz: abacusGeneticist (as posted in RS) Displaying 0 of 0 comments ( View all Add Comment) brought to you by tibush labs Support us Disclaimer: This is a fan-based. A Discord client mimicking the Pesterchum chat client from Homestuck, Uses a lot of code from my Pesterchum Client. So, I've put together some of these names which I think best describe the following members. Dave enjoys using his turntable and he's kind of full of himself.

pester chum

He's interested in ghostbusters, pranks, computers, etc. It is a breezy summer day in the suburbs, and a bird perches on the window. Pesterchum (also known by various other names) is a chat client that exists in the MarissaTheWriter universe. It's all they do, cut off from the outside world with no means of communication to civilization because their dreaded parents wont buy them a LAPTOP. For example, HS's John was ghostlyTrickster. What's your chumHandle (Pesterchum) A young man/woman/other is sleeping soundly in their bed. They're in the style of Homestuck's Pesterchum names, giving descriptions of the user. Bulbasaur,wrote: Alright RR, since I love Homestuck so damn much, I've come up with instant messenger names for you guys for fun.

Pester chum